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Wellbeing Warriors

The Wellbeing Warriors meet regularly and are responsible for ensuring our children have a healthy lifestyle, body and, most importantly, mind. They will work together to tackle issues identified and help to convey key messages to children and staff. 

You can keep track with the decisions we make and discussions we have by looking at the minutes from our meetings, which are attached below.

World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2023

Our passionate Wellbeing Warriors have been working with Miss Aikenhead and Mrs Elliott to prepare an assembly for World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10th October.

During their presentation, they focused on what we can do to help us live well and improve both our physical and mental health.

Click on the link below to see the Wellbeing Warriors World Mental Health Day presentation.


Wellbeing Wednesday

The Wellbeing Warriors will be out on the playground every Wednesday at playtime and lunchtime to support children with their wellbeing. Look out for them wearing their high viz jackets that they designed themselves. 

Christmas Messages

The Wellbeing Warriors handed out Christmas messages to Parents and Carers on the gate on the last day of term. Merry Christmas to you all!

Get in touch

St Katherine’s School & Nursery
St Katherine’s Lane, Snodland,
Kent, ME6 5EJ

01634 240061